Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals


great chemistry

Industrial electrified heat pump boilers for the pharmaceutical and chemical sectors

Emission-free steam at

2x the efficiency

of today’s electric boilers*

Chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing rely on a 24/7 source of industrial steam for everything from processing to sterilization to facility heating.

AtmosZero delivers high-capacity electrified steam for:

  • ‎ Batch processing
  • ‎ Distillation
  • ‎ Reactions
  •  Sterilization
  • ‎ Cleaning in place
  • ‎ Drying
  • ‎ Heating

Achieving your net zero goals and meeting strict regulations requires a cost-effective, scalable, zero-carbon steam solution — now.


  • 20% energy efficiency loss
  • Emit CO2, NOx, SOx, and PM into the air

Electric resistive
and electrode boilers

  • 2% energy efficiency loss
  • Significantly costly to run

AtmosZero&#146s Boiler 2.0 technology

boosts efficiency by up to 100%, using half the electricity of e-Boilers.*

Our electrified heat pump extracts heat from the air and converts that heat + electricity into industrial steam. Boiler 2.0 can also integrate with existing hot water systems or provide process cooling. This steam generation technology is adaptable, exceptionally efficient, and works within your existing infrastructure. You’ll be up and running with zero-carbon steam in days.


electrified heat pump

Boiler 2.0

works wherever you need steam in your chemical or pharmaceutical processing facility. AtmosZero’s modular electrified steam heat pump can drop into any existing environment. Our solution standardizes decarbonized steam across your facility, whether single- or multi-site, creating operational efficiencies from integration to spare parts to training and use.

Drop it in. Drop to zero.

Let’s talk
decarbonized steam

Why AtmosZero Boiler 2.0?


emissions, nothing
to offset


solution for
decarbonized steam


the electricity needed vs. traditional e-Boilers*


source of 200°C+ electrified steam


and fast installation and system integration


add modules as your needs evolve

AtmosZero is a cost-effective, carbon-neutral steam solution for manufacturing:

  • Specialty chemicals
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Consumer chemicals
  • Agricultural chemicals
  • Petrochemicals
  • Polymers

*Performance depends on the source temperature and delivered steam pressure.

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